Wawaunesa Insurance Company


    Wawaunesa Insurance Company

    Wawaunesa Insurance Company
    9050 Friars Road
    San Diego, CA 92108
    (800) 640-2920

    US company Wawaunesa Insurance is presently licensed to market, underwrite, process claims, and serve policyholders in the states of California and Oregon. This is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Wawaunesa Mutual Insurance Company which is founded and based in Canada. It is also an insurance company that focuses on providing personal lines automobile and homeowners insurance.

    Wawaunesa Insurance Company directly markets these policies in a direct manner that is, through direct solicitation of mails, coupled with strategically implemented newspaper and radio advertising. Its level of expenses is maintained below the average of the industry. This produces a ripple effect: the company’s costs are saved, and clients can enjoy lower insurance rates.

    This insurance company underwrites full coverage of automobile, homeowners, as well as condominium insurance. Its coverage for Private Passenger Automobile and Physical Damage are written at twenty five to thirty five percent preferred-risk, below standard manual rates. Aside from that, all of its policies are put out on a twelve month term. With this kind of quality, Wawaunesa General Insurance Company is said to be one of the top twenty writers for automobiles in California, and this is based on its written direct premiums.

    On the other hand, Wawaunesa Insurance Company’s coverage for homeowners insurance are offered for dwellings of single family, which rates are also at preferred risk and below standard. It was in 1991 that it expanded its services to include coverage for condominiums.

    This insurance company started in Wawaunesa, Manitoba on 1896 as a mutual insurance carrier for farmers. It was under Canadian laws, and became incorporated on May 1929 through an Act of Parliament. Its branch in the United States was created under California laws on May 1974. Its starting funds were made possible through a contribution by its parent corporation in Canada known as the Wawaunesa Mutual Insurance Company, Winnipeg, Manitoba. The first policy written in its US branch happened in April 1975.

    A.M. Best, an organization that rates the financial strength of those involved in the financial services industry has rated Wawaunesa (General) Insurance based in the US with “A”. This means that it has the excellent capability to fulfill its financial obligations to its policyholders.

    Wawaunesa Insurance based in Winnipeg, Manitoba offers a varied line of individual life insurance and annuity products. Aside from that, it also offers insurance for groups. A.M Best has also rated this company as excellent.

    Wawaunesa, as one of the top insurance companies, both in Canada and the US has an outstanding claims as well as underwriting service, broker representation that is of quality, and consists of policyholders who are known to give charitably to the community, and for the growth of the company. It is through this that one realizes its consistent growth.

    It is known for its professional and quality service. Its representatives conduct business with honesty, consistency, fairness, and integrity, and thus act lawfully and ethically. Also, it supports communities and involves in various for-a-cause activities. Aside from that, both its representatives and policyholders treat each one in a respectful and dependable manner.