Unicare Insurance Company


    Unicare Insurance Company

    Unicare Insurance Company
    120 Monument Circle
    Indianapolis, IN 46204
    (877) 864-2273

    Unicare believes that health links us to each other. With better health, one is able to enjoy life and experience different things with one another. As such, Unicare feels passionate of being able to deliver better care to its clients, giving them a high regard, and helping improve the communities’ health.

    Unicare is a capitalized subsidiary of Wellpoint and considered as the nation’s largest company that provides health benefits. It is composed of more than thirty million members in its affiliated health plans. The Unicare Life & Health Insurance Company or the Unicare Health Plans of the Midwest, Inc. provides and works on claims or plans which are self funded. They have provided HMO plans, PPO plans, as well as consumer driven products, and gives emphasis on managed care plans for different employers.

    Unicare began as a lone or individual company. However, as time went by, it has merged with other companies such as John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, Massachusetts Mutual Life and Health Insurance Company, and Rush Prudential Health Plans. These affiliations have made it possible for Unicare to provide a wide range of health care services to its clients and in various locations, too.

    This insurance company offers three different types of plans. This includes Mhealth Insured Elect, Mhealth Insured Select, and Mhealth Insured Connect. Insured Elect is a medical plan for individuals, while Insured Select is for small businesses with two to fifty employees. Insured Connect is for businesses with fifty-one or more employees.

    Unicare’s wide portfolio of health, dental, pharmacy, life, and disability benefits products can be tailored to suit the needs of its clients. Its focus is on putting policyholders and their dependents back in control in terms of health care, as well as financial future. Through its professional sales and account management staff who understand and listen to their clients, Unicare is able to create products that develop to meet their changing needs.

    Considered as the largest health plan company in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, Wellpoint, the mother company of Unicare, has been a recipient of various awards and recognitions

    Fortune 500 recognizes Wellpoint as one of the countries’ “100 Fastest Growing Companies, “Platinum 400 Honor Roll” of best managed companies in the United States for the 6th consecutive year, according to Forbes Magazine, “Top Four Companies for Executive Women” according to the National Association for Female Executive, and “Highest in Prescription Drug Benefits and Services Report” for J.D. Power and Associates.

    Health and safety is Unicare’s top priority. It is an insurance company with accredited health plans that meets, and even exceeds national quality care standards.

    Established in 1995, Unicare became the brand name for most of the businesses of Wellpoint operated outside of the state of California. Aside from the acquisition of John Hancock Mutual Life, it also acquired the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company, which is a group health and life business, and Rush Prudential Health Plans in Illinois. These acquisitions bring together the existence of the Unicare business.

    It builds relationship not only with its clients, but also with doctors, facility-providers, and medical institutions such as hospitals to ensure that they meet the standards. It also gets procedure cost and quality information in order to make the best choices in terms of managing the health of its clients.